The Social Outreach Ministries Committee assists parishioners and others in the community through several different ministries.
Meetings are held every other month in room 111-112 of Papineau Hall at 3:30 pm on a Monday afternoon. Meetings will be posted in the bulletin several weeks beforehand. Please check the bulletin for exact dates as the schedule changes periodically.
The Social Outreach Ministry also maintains a list of other local nonprofits, agencies, and other churches that work to fulfill our mission statement.
For more information or if you are interested in joining, please contact Chairperson, Marriann Cole at [email protected]. or call the main church office at 864.882.8551.
(funds given by the parish to selected local charitable organizations). Anyone interested in helping review local (and even non-local) charities for inclusion and help manage the process, should contact Tithing Ministry Leader Marriann Cole at [email protected].
(funds used by the parish to help the needy) is under the direction of Jim Corey ([email protected]). This ministry provides guidance on local job search resources and household budgeting and helps with rent and utilities for those in true emergency situations not of their own making, for parishioners in any emergency situation, and for those who have a sponsor to help them on their path to self-sufficiency. Applications are at Parish Office or call Jim Corey at 864.364.0366. Volunteers are needed to meet with, vet, and counsel applicants.
provides non-medical support, prayers, and companionship for senior parishioners in a nursing home/assisted living facility. Volunteers are needed to meet with seniors on a weekly basis for an hour or so. Please contact Lisa Nock [email protected] if interested in volunteering or if you know of someone in need of a companion.
provides $1,000 scholarships to St. Paul/St. Francis graduating high school seniors who plan to attend a college or trade school, have been active in the church and obtain letters of recommendation. There is no financial hardship requirement; any qualifying parish senior is eligible. Funds are paid to the school. For more information or to donate to support the program please contact Jim Corey at [email protected].
can help parishioners pull together documentation, records, etc, and provide a link to the Catholic Charities Immigration office. Contact is Sister Joan Kobe at [email protected].
a women’s service group of parishioners. Meetings monthly (currently via Zoom) alternate between service projects and guest speakers. Please contact Tina Kidd at [email protected].
Prayers and shawls are available to those facing a serious illness or who have recently lost a loved one.
Prayer Chain Contact: Kim Baker at [email protected] Prayer Shawl Contact: Terry Buckallew at [email protected]
The Social Outreach Ministries Committee believes the following local Community Service organizations perform services consistent with our mission. The parish sets aside a percentage of the regular offertory collection to support these organizations. Parishioners are encouraged to support these organizations as well through volunteering and donations. The following organizations have received a tithe from us: